Brad the Bard

Brad the Drab Bard is brought to you by my friend Bart.  A few years ago, he was thinking about playing a bard character and was going through several possibilities.  He didn’t pick Brad though, so I figured I might as well steal the character for the comic.  The name is just too fun not to use  :)

He likes to make characters with wordplay involved somehow.  Like Tspike, a follower of Tsoloroandril.  Wielder of tspiked chains and fond of tspiked armor.

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  1. Tonus

    Gotta be careful with those wordplay characters. Years ago, I made a spear-wielding elf named “Ambrose Pierce”. After playing him for a while, he mysteriously disappeared. For real. One session, his character sheet was in my campaign binder, the next session it wasn’t. Creepy.

    (Years later I found my old character binder, started leafing through to reminisce, and discovered that Ambrose’ character sheet had somehow gotten stuck to the character sheet in front of it. Still creepy. I mean, it was THAT character it happened to.)

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