Annoying the Party Healer

Do you often play the healer role in your group?

Time to fess up.  Have you ever not healed someone on purpose because they annoyed you?

This happens in tabletop RPGs, but probably not as much as it does in online games like World of Warcraft.

If you play a DPS class in WoW and sometimes experience healers with bad lag that often result in you dying…it might not be the lag.

There’s an infamous series of threads (it’s reached the thread cap 5 times already and is on version 6) on the World of Warcraft Priest ForumsThings you don’t want to hear while healing a PUG.  It’s a fun read.

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  1. Slaymore

    Talk like a pirate day’s coming up, ya doing anything?

    • Cedric

      Doh! I forgot about it completely. I might do something…dunno at this point.

    • Cedric

      Oh, for the record, I do have a plan to include zombie ninja pirate gorillas at some point in the far future…

      • Slaymore

        Well how about something about Coco finding an eyepatch?

        • Silvestra

          Do want. :P

  2. Silvestra

    I am a vindictive healer. Having said that, I am also quite a vindictive tank. It’s best just to not piss me off generally, when I’m playing.

    I’m a very well behaved DPS though, mostly because you become so disposable as a DPS with the LFG tool.

    • Cedric

      You know, I didn’t notice until you mentioned it, but I too play more cautiously when I’m playing as a DPS. If I’m a healer, I might let a zone effect tick for a second while I complete a cast, but as DPS, I jump off immediately, breaking off an attack even, so as not to annoy the healer…

  3. Greg

    While I haven’t done it in an online game. I have refused to heal party members that annoyed me (the character, not the player) on several instances. The worst one was in one game where the dislike and disdain that my cleric had for the ranger that my friend was playing was so bad that he refused to resurrect the ranger after he died. Another party member carried the ranger’s body back over 1000 miles from the island that he died on and had to go to a rival church to get him raised as he would have refused resurrection from anyone of my faith.

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