The Show Must Go On

If you’ve been following along, you know that Sasha’s Order is…actually, you probably don’t know. I don’t think I’ve revealed it yet. Huh. I should get around to doing that shouldn’t I. :)

I’ve worn tights exactly once in my life. Third year in High School when I performed as Robin Hood. I still get embarrassed whenever I think about it. Not at wearing tights, but at the idea that I thought I could act on stage.

It was bad. I think I still have video proof somewhere.

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Discussion (2) ¬

  1. Jeff

    If you say it was bad, I’ll take your word for it and won’t need the video proof…

    Good to see you back at the webcomic thing.

  2. Jeff Johnson

    Glad to see you restarting the comic again – but don’t tell me we won’t get to see Coco performing? Aww.

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