Quiet Dignity

It’s hard to maintain your composure when you’re in a ridiculous outfit.

Unless of course, you’re not aware of it.

Back in high school, one of the football coaches wore these tiny, tight athletic shorts. Seriously, they were like daisy dukes except in rayon. Nobody ever mentioned them to his face and he seemed to be unaware of how ridiculous he looked in them. Everyone in the team made fun of him behind his back.

But the team still jumped when he yelled and otherwise gave him respect.

So, it seems that the key to maintaining your dignity when you’re in something ridiculous, either clothing or situation, is to be ignorant of how ridiculous it is.

I guess Coco is better off than Sasha.

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Discussion (4) ¬

  1. Online Comics

    You should totally add your site to ComicHovel.com so I can add it to my faves. =]

  2. Sithobi1

    Wow, you’re alive. Welcome back.

  3. Iron Deacon

    He should have gone for the Tutu. Welcome home!

    id fiat Iron Deacon si

  4. EveryZig

    The comic! It lives! :)

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